“The Community Living Educ-Actions are open ecosystems based on social innovation and participatory processes to enhance new socio-economic, educative and healthy living models”

“A common citizenship knowledge reflects in the society life, stimulating sustainable development, innovations and creative mindset”

The CLEA project contributes to responding to social and educational problems with a “living community-led co-design” and an “asset-oriented ethos”, supporting a positive social change and the development of local, national, international adult educational policy discourse.

The project partnership designed an inclusive and multi-agent methodology for adult education, addressing educational poverty and exclusion through an innovative strategy and inclusive community learning environments The methodology helps:

  • EXTEND and develop educators’, artists’ and other professionals’ competences;
  • INCREASE the educational power of the participatory and active citizenship processes;
  • INTEGRATE teaching / learning methods through different transformative languages and experiences.

The project selected and integrated, at EU level, successful processes and methodologies in community participatory paths, enhancing individual and community informal learning, also through the recognition of the transformative  competences.

It consolidated local socio-educational networks to face adult educational poverty and promote inclusive and innovative educational methods, involving organizations and contexts not formally intended for education.

Our focus

Educational innovation for inclusion and entrepreneurial citizenship.
Culture and creative organizations to improve lives, transform communities, generate jobs and growth, and create spillover effects in other economic sectors.

Our Assets

• The TRANSFORMATIVE STRENGTH of mind-body languages and participatory practices in adult education;
• The EDUCATIONAL COMPETENCES of professionals and artists in facilitating participatory processes;
• The LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS to prevent and overcome the educational poverty in empowering way.